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Momcation: How Others React

Finally made my Momcation happen, and the first hysterical thing I have to share with you are other Moms reactions! Seriously, this is telling, my friends.

I did it!  I did it!  Do you believe it?  I actually have left the country, by myself, leaving the girls behind with dear husband!

Let’s just take a moment and appreciate that feat, shall we?  Everyone, feel the excitement with me…


. Nope… we’re still appreciating…


Catching You Up on Today’s Momcation

When we last talked momcation, I was lamenting that I really have trouble relating to solo female travel blogs.  All the great advice pieces on how to get started as a “solo female traveler” (which I guessed my momcation qualified as) began with things like Research Your Destination, and Book Early!  Location posts are peppered with victory poses atop mountains, bikini selfies, and soft focus, romantic pictures of lounging luxury suites.  Meanwhile, I was desperately trying to find a slot in my calendar where I could extricate myself from the schedules of two teens, at a time my traveling-for-work husband would actually be in the country, while wearing my shirt inside out for half the day before realizing it. I just didn’t feel they were helping someone like me travel. These are not women on a Momcation. These are Solo-Travel-Influencers…. and… I don’t think I’m that.

But I moved forward… I had chosen a time, consulted with Scott, and we both blocked it off our calendars.  I started covering the things that needed to be covered for the week, moving things or canceling them.  I was researching my destination!  Took the step and booked my hotel, and then my flight.

The Inevitable Momcation Ruining Crisis Hits

And, like clockwork, the husband got a call.  No! No! No! STOP right there!  We said, once I booked the flight, that was it, there could be no-take-backsies!  He had to throw down the wife card and refuse any travel.  I never pull that card.  The last time I pulled that card was when older daughter had brain surgery (in fairness, Scott’s company knew what was going on, and didn’t try to send him anywhere during that time).   But we said we were using it here.

It’s the brand-spanking-new boss’s boss’s boss… ugh.  I had to dangle out there in suspense, with husband insisting I had to go and he would figure something out and me thinking, yeah, ok.  We’ll see.  In the end he has to leave the day before I get home, we have one night that needs covering… Enter awesome girlfriends who will not let my trip get messed up!  Whoo-hoo!  Two of my best friends (hi girls!) live in my neighborhood, and have kids the same age as mine.  They both immediately insisted my girls crash at their house and that was the end of that conversation.  Moving on.

“Awesome” Reactions of Moms to My Momcation

My girlfriends are awesome.  They’ve been around my wanderlust for years, so my trip hasn’t shocked them much.  But one of the things I’ve found is that other married mom’s reactions are fascinating.  This seems to break down in to three groups…

What Kind of Freak Mom Travels by Herself!

Some women cannot fathom how and why I would do such a bizarre thing.  They quiz me down on who’s going to be doing what while I’m gone, with subtle undertones of my irresponsibility peeking through.  Really?  We aren’t judged on enough in life we apparently have to throw this in to the mix?

Others are completely thrown back on their heels by why I would ever want to travel by myself, and won’t I feel awkward sitting at a table by myself in a restaurant?

(Sidenote:  Somewhere along the line I never got the memo about the requirement to feel awkward doing something by myself, including dining in a restaurant.  I do it at home sometimes when everyone else is off for a day, just because I want to have short-stack-smoked-salmon-salad, and I can’t make that at home.  I honestly don’t get the whole intimidation thing there.)

Wait… So… Momcations are Possible?

Some, I can immediately see the envy and wistfulness.  It’s like I just kicked open a door to a parallel universe for them, and they are just a tad in shock, and I think some little corner of their mind is thinking, Wait, I could do that??

I’m here to tell you, that YES.  You CAN do this!  It’s possible.   I know, until recently, I kind of automatically assumed that being a wife and mom meant I was excluded from this little club.  Turns out – there is actually no written charter on this stuff!  And so far, the whole thing is, well, I kind of hate this overused word, but I’m stuck with it at the moment, empowering.

You Jezebel!

But, by far, the most surprising reaction I had, was from the woman sitting by me at the airport gate.  With a wave of her hand, and looking away from me afterward, she just emphatically stated that I had clearly met someone on the internet.  😂🤣😄😅😆  I still start snicker about that as I type it!

For the record, No.  No, I have not.  Honey, if I was going to sneak off with someone:  1.  that would defeat the whole idea of a Momcation.  and 2.  I’d totally be spending that time with my awesome hubby who is happy to be home with the kids while I whisk off on a trip by myself.  (Oh wait, we ARE doing that later this summer!)  And honestly, I’m offended for all women-kind that someone assumes the only reason I would take a week away from my family, is that I had met another man and was sneaking off with him.  That kind of says sad things about that woman’s life.

Anyway… I made here!

Where is here you ask?  Well, I’m staying at a cute little hotel in the shadow of:

So, where am I?

Reviews, pictures, stories and the exciting way I spent my first morning here coming soon.  In the meantime, check out @wandertoesphotos on Instagram, and @wandertoes on Twitter for occasional peeks into the adventure.


To read more of the Momcation, <<Go to this page for a listing>>.


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