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10 Inviting Doors of Venice, Italy

Yes, here I am with another post about Doors.  This time I’m sharing photos of some of my favorite Doors of Venice, Italy.  (You can also check out my post on Doors of Paris and Doors of Athens.)

It’s a sickness.  An addiction, really.  I take photos of doors as I travel, especially in Europe, because there seems to be such a wealth of interesting and photogenic doors.  So, as I walk the streets, always camera in hand, I am compelled to take pictures of the unique doors that catch my eye.

If you are in Italy, be sure to plan your day trip to Venice (or longer!) to enjoy the beauty of this city.

I love Venice.  I’ve been there twice, and it’s still a city I would return to in a heartbeat.  I know some don’t like it these days, and the city is struggling under the weight of the very tourism that is its economic life-blood.

In the coming weeks, I will be sharing more of our photos and experiences from our most recent trip, and the subject-matter will reflect our purposeful approach to the city.  There are things you have to see, like the Piazza San Marco, that during certain seasons and at certain times of day are just… well, awful.  Our goal was to be in and out of Piazza San Marco before noon when it would become necessary to rent a cow-catcher to make it through the mobs.

I enjoyed quieter sites, like the Gallerie dell’Accademia, where I found this beauty:

We spent more time than most tourists in this city, nearly a week, and a number of hours just making our way by foot from one neighborhood to another, wandering through the back streets that aren’t nearly as traveled.  Scott has become a total enabler with my door obsession during these walks.  Sometimes he’ll spot a good door before I do, and point it out, stepping out of the way and waiting patiently while I take several quick photos.

I’m often more drawn to the more dilapidated doors I find.  They seem to have so much more character, and you can imagine a far more interesting history.  These look nearly abandoned:

This door was tucked into the side of the building right beside our hotel.  It’s so ornate, and I’m sure each of these panels has meaning, or at least did at one time.  No idea now:

Venice is such a unique city, with a rich, fascinating history.  It would be terribly sad to see it decline, and/or turn into a Disney version of itself.  With the city slowly sinking, enormous cruise ships unloading stunning swarms of day tourists, and with locals being forced out by rising housing costs – partially due to the skyrocketing number of airbnb and vrbo housing options, the city is in a precarious position.

Quintessential Venice, these doors are right on a canal, so the residents can pull up in their boat and enter:

I’m a mom and travel blogger, and I don’t pretend to have answers to these problems.  Nor would anyone with sense be seeking me out for any answers.  But, I do hope this beautiful city continues to be able to share it’s unique personality with travelers for a long time to come.

This door photo is a favorite,a s this elegant woman was kind enough to color coordinate and walk right in front of me:

Stay tuned for more Venice posts.


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